#049 Changing Paradigms Over a Lifetime
From industrial era to solar age, with the legendary Hazel Henderson (part 1)
Hazel Henderson is a legendary author, advisor and media producer. It’s very hard to overstate the influence Hazel has had, and continues to have, throughout nearly 60 years of public life.
She has written 10 books, including ‘Mapping the Global Transition to the Solar Age’, been translated into 27 languages across hundreds of outlets globally, won a multitude of awards, is listed in the Who’s Who in the USA, the World, in Business and Finance, and in Science and Technology, is a member of the Club of Rome, has been named in the Post-Growth Institute’s (En)Rich List as a top 100 luminary inspiring global prosperity beyond financial wealth, and has been repeatedly honoured as one of the ‘Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behaviour’. We could go on!
Hazel Henderson with fine book in hand & Fritz Schumacher pictured on the wall. Pic: supplied.
“Evolution doesn’t happen in straight lines. We all know from biology that it’s a punctuated equilibrium. In other words, evolution happens in jumps. And right now, in the past year or so, there’s a very pronounced jump.”
Along the way, Hazel’s collaborated with a host of systems thinking pioneers, had defining experiences with the UN and other global agencies, been a pioneering advocate for equitable and sustainable human development, and an influential advisor on socially responsible business and investment.
In her 70s, she became founder and media producer at Ethical Markets Media, which is a certified B Corporation, producer of the “Transforming Finance” TV series, and publisher of the Green Transition Scoreboard.
E.F. Schumacher, the revered author of ‘Small is Beautiful: A study of economics as if people mattered’, said Hazel’s writing has “more 'reality' than almost any other writings on societal problems I know.” Senator Edward Kennedy called her "a unique contemporary pioneer in the effort to humanize modern science and technology".
This special podcast with Hazel wandered across the personal and political, the heart felt and intellectual, the confronting and the thoroughly uplifting.
Title pic: Hazel Henderson pictured in 1964; supplied.
The System, by the Public Opinion Afro Orchestra.
Concluding music by Jeremiah Johnson.