#025 Extra 2 - The Kachana Back-Story

With Chris Henggeler at the homestead

Due to the popularity of episode 25, and the fact that we hated editing this part out of the main podcast to begin with, here’s Chris talking with Anthony back at the homestead about the back-story to Kachana. 

The Kachana homestead, a far cry from dust-blown sleeping in a ute back in the beginning. Pic: Anthony James.

The Kachana homestead, a far cry from dust-blown sleeping in a ute back in the beginning. Pic: Anthony James.

I guess that ended up tabling the challenge. I have farm blood in me from both sides, and there’s no way that I could, in good conscience, take tourists around and admire the waterfalls when the agricultural base was eroding in front of my eyes.
— Chris Henggeler

They explore Chris’s formative beginnings in Rhodesia, how the family came to acquire this disused part of the famed El Questro, and the personal changes that were needed for the great successes at Kachana to be realised.

And just in case the wind played too much havoc with our recording in the field, Chris and Anthony delved a little further here into some of the key issues from the main podcast - the importance of having people on country, along with of course the new megafauna, how holistic grazing works with cattle (and donkeys) as today’s diprotodons, the value of the AWC and its conservation model, and what needs to change to help other pastoralists regenerate the land.

Get more:

Tune into the main episode 25 The New Megafauna, and the 1st extra to this episode Creating the Kachana Vision, with Jacqueline Henggeler.

This is a special 2nd extra to the 3rd and final part of our Kimberley series of episodes for 2018. Listen to episodes 21 and 22 for the 1st and 2nd instalments.

Kachana Station.



Gone Clear, by William Tyler off his album Modern Country.

Thanks to all our supporters & partners for making this podcast possible!